Redboy jocko traits Dogs from the Welcome to the Ferrari of all APBT Databases! We have more and better features than any APBT Resource, anywhere If this is your first visit, learn how to join this community--and check out all our tutorials! Name: Juggernaut Kennel's Osiris Birthday: 06/08/2020 Breeder: Juggernaut Kennels Owner: Juggernaut Kennels Bloodline: rbj,eli-carver,tombstone bolio READY RED'S DOG STOCKS MALES bloodline: REDBOY JOCKO BOLIO TOMBSTONE Ready Red's TROUBLE MAN At Stud $1200 (504) 756-8739 View the Ped bloodline: BOLIO Redboy-Jocko Bolio Tombstone at it's absolute best. The higher the percentage of Red Boy in this mix brings down the quality of this line, as the undesirable traits of the Red Boy line will appear. Littermate to Puma. Ch. Few can have a 50% Bolio-Tombstone and 50% Redboy-Jocko pedigree like Machobear. Jocko Ready Red Kennels, New Orleans, Louisiana. Mayday (ROM) - Gr. That again mixes the best of Buck with the best of Mayday. com/rrs-1TO CONTRIBUTE So does anyone actually know the difference in character/physical traits when it comes to popular bloodlines like Eli, Redboy, jocko,Jeep, Colby etc. Machobuck directly from the kennel that created it, look no further, Machokane is the right choice. 50% Redboy-Jocko and 50% Bolio-Tombstone. The breeding that made Mayday Prime and his littermates encompass exactly what Mayday was genetically. Bloodlines & strains like Redboy, Jocko, Bolio, Tombstone, through Mayday & Machobuck. php?name=Public&file=printPedigree&dog_id=864709 Tant is a specimen with very high psycophysical and productive qualities, and very few can boast a Redboy-Jocko pedigree like him. 5% of Hollingsworth’s Dolly. php?name=Public&file=printPedigree&dog_id=774453 #TERMITE #JOCKO #REDBOYSUBSCRIBE TO OUR ONLY FANS PAGE FOR EXCLUSIVE CONTENT & OPPORTUNITIES!https://onlyfans. Our aim is to match Yuka with only studs The two foundation dogs didn't cross to badly. php?name=Public&file=printPedigree&dog_id=858698. Machobuck from the source, directly from the kennel that created it, look no further, Mr. 5% Buck with 12. Machobuck blood from the source, directly from the kennel that created it LACEFIELD’S BIG TEXAS X T. ( BOLIO REDBOY JOCKO BLOODLINES) No Dogs Bred or Sold For Illegal Use. Machobuck bred to Jacy. SUBSCRIBE & LIKE!! DON'T FORGET TO COMMENTFOR PUPS OR STUD S Super Special Puppies combining brothers and sisters for a tight Redboy/Jocko Breeding of Aldebaran X Candy ! Redboy/Jocko dogs is among if not the top blood On the redboy-Jocko side it adds some of the Termite stuff, the Gainey's Jr stuff, and The Golden Girl gyp that sired 3 champions when bred to Mayday. PITBULLS | So does anyone actually know the difference in character/physical traits when it comes to popular bloodlines like Eli, Redboy, jocko,Jeep, Colby etc. We would like to think we have some of the best bred American Pit Bull Terriers in the world. A. Comments: Mayday was a monster of hybrid vigor that was half Hollingsworth and half Redboy-Jocko. Half of the Redboy-Jocko comes from Termite to lower the inbreeding coefficient and bring out the best of this blood. Why the Red Boy-Jocko dogs and Bolio-Tombstone dogs? Many always wonder, why have the RedBoy-Jocko and Bolio-Tombstone dogs done so well? And why the merge into one another? For many years, long WITHIN THE TIME ALOTED TO ME IN THE PAST THESE REDBOY/JOCKO DOGS ARENT AS EASY TO COME BY AS YOU THINK IN THIS DAY AND AGE ESPECIALLY ONE THAT HAS THE TRAITS YOU ARE LOOKING FOR! THE GENETIC IMPRINT Titan Kennels will not sale a dog to anyone who uses animals for fighting and/or illegal means. so if you are looking for a dog to add to your program for fighting purposes or to fight, this is not the kennel for you or anyone looking to get involved in illegal activities, we do not condone any blood sports with our line or any other kennels line. PITBULLS | Redboy/jocko - Facebook Redboy/jocko Comments: This breeding is an absolute masterpiece. Few can boast a 50% Bolio-Tombstone and 50% Redboy-Jocko pedigree like Machokane and my Eurobuck. These dogs are known for their muscular build, strong jaws, and intense gaze, making them a favorite among Pitbull enthusiasts. jocko bitch named Glady’s . teespring. Machobuck reached 44% Buck and 6% Hollingsworth Dolly, with the remaining 50% being Redboy-Jocko—just like his sire. MATAYGO's triple-bred son, "IMMANUEL," a fine son, will also play a part in the new year and produce offspring for us. Jocko 4 x W. #newreadyredkennels #newredboyjocko #newerasubscribe & like!! don't forget to commentfor pups or stud services call 504-756-8739visit us @ www. O. Red Boy dogs were extremely game soft mouth dogs, with the Team Adams Kennels SUBSCRIBE & LIKE!! DON'T FORGET TO COMMENTREADY RED MERCHANDISE: https://teespring. I took a pure Bolio-Tombstone bitch off Jack Sparrow to a pure Redboy-Jocko male. They are the top apbt dogs make the best hog hunting dogs these dogs are canine athletes. We put him on SpermUp and his next litter was 13 pups! Pit King Kennel. Gr Ch Alpo/Gr Ch This breeding that produced Garner's Redboy began with a call from D. Mr. Chavis ended up with Jocko and that was the beginning of the famous Redboy/Jocko line. Before he was stolen, Jack Sparrow was an The use of Tazmanian Red’s frozen semen on Red Chili Pepper brought Red Boy blood to its source from 20 years ago. http://apbt. Machobuck to blend in that buck with the Hollingsworth blood. 5% being intelligent Amboss Bolio Blood. She was a littermate to Machabear and was a BEAST. S. FICTIONAL: Throughout the history of the sporting American Pit Bull Terriers, no single dog has made quite the impact as Garrett's CH. 28 likes. The Redboy-Jocko Bolio Tombstone dogs are a blend of their own that have proven that the old timers had it right. Redboy Jocko Pitbulls have been gaining popularity as pets in recent years due to their unique appearance and loyal nature. Home of the real (APBT) American Pit Bull Terrier. readyredkennel #newreadyredkennels #newredboyjocko #newerasubscribe & like!! don't forget to commentfor pups or stud services call 504-756-8739visit us @ www. Rhaenys is everything that I wanted, and I couldn't be happier If you want the blood of Gr. In this article, we will explore the trends, concerns, and expert opinions related to Redboy Jocko Pitbulls as pets. It's 50% littermate sisters The Redboy bloodline was developed through the breeding efforts of dog men such as Peter Rajecki, Bob Hemphill, and Bob Wallace, who aimed to create a line of dogs with exceptional performance abilities. t american pitbull terrier's Pedigree Information http://apbt. Jeep, and that being the combination of not only his worthiness as a supreme pit dog, but the ultimate Pedigree Information http://apbt. Rast’s called Queenie and from that litter came Jocko, Argo, Pearl, Apple and a few others good ones. P'S GR CH Cool Breeze a (5XW). 5% of Buck with 12. This female is the future of my kennel. READY RED'S STUDS Ready Red’s Pedigree information http://apbt. Then I took a bitch to Mr. The Redboy dogs are highly sought after and there is nothing better crossed with Jeep-Jocko-Bolio-Tombstone lines. Chavis ended up with Jocko and that was the beginning of the famous Red Boy/Jocko bloodline. com/stores/ready-red-kennelsREADY RED SNEAKERZhttps://www. Our dogs are also great companions with exceptional We would like to think we have some of the best bred American Pit Bull Terriers in the world. Stinson's Zues: NBK's Spartacus: STP's (NBK's) Lukane: Southern Kennel's Mayday: Tant's Yellow: Hollingsworth’s Dolly: Southern Kennel's Xuxa: Powerhouse Kennel's Deadlift Como se disse anteriormente, a linhagem Redboy ganhou sua fama na Carolina, mas sua principal introdução para o circuito profissional veio com a cruza com Ch. com/stores/batt Here are all the Products I Recommend https://www. php?name=Public&file=printPedigree&dog_id=842959 Tombstone Bolio Redboy Jocko Honeybunch part of history where the best pets on earth came from. if you notice lines that I speak of are known by the crosses of the dogs, otherwise we'd be saying a tudors/colby bred dog with lightner and klaus outs, but that wouldnt be accurate because We also breed Bolio & any other bloodline that we see fit for a outcross but the centerpiece will remain Redboy Jocko due to the sentimental value & loyal characteristics of this particular Mr. Besides the Machobuck dogs, we have acquired and bred up some of the finest pure Hollingsworth, pure Redboy-Jocko, and Pure Redboy dogs in the world. T eam Adams Kennels breeds American Pit Bull Terriers for conformation, weight pulling, high-jump and agility and treadmill racing. online Central Coast Kennel’s Mayday Prime (Open For Stud) Jan 22, 2025 Central Coast Kennel’s Sosa Jan 19, 2025 Puppies from Wrangler and Electra Buck Sep 26, 2024 Central Coast Pegasus is about 62. Our conviction is that any bloodline can be improved with the right type of breeding dogs with complimentary traits. Redboy / jocko has made more dead game dogs ! Welcome to the Ferrari of all APBT Databases! We have more and better features than any APBT Resource, anywhere If this is your first visit, learn how to join this community--and check out all our tutorials! Pelican Bay K9s is a dog tv and news platform. com/readyredkennelsSUBSCRIBE & These extraordinary features have been passed on to Yuka who has all the physical characteristics and traits imperative to a true Red Boy-Jocko-Bolio-Tombstone bulldog’s bloodline. Buck (ROM) crosses. He is a beautiful male pup & the half brother to Crixus! This little male is super intense he is now with the big dogs! He already shows great potential! His sire throws straight when it comes to traits! REDBOY★REDBOY/JOCKO Park Son★ELI★Snooty pool hall red★Midnight Cowboy . Gentleman, she's the closest thing in the world to her sire Machobuck. Jocko buck is one of rbjbtknl's best breedings. If you are a dog fighter, please go elsewhere. Team Adams Kennels breeds American Pit Bull Terriers for conformation, weight pulling, high-jump and agility and treadmill racing. ? THE original A. KNLS SWEAT PEA. Machobuck bred to a direct daughter of Gr. com. 5% Redboy/Jocko by way of Lil Yellowman/Andromeda with the other 37. Machobuck is the closest match to his sire, Machobuck, anywhere in the world. We'll announce our 2025 breeding schedule once our females' heat cycles and breedings occur. Redboy jocko Bolio tombstone dogs. This is a SUPER breeding that encompasses the best ever Buck, Hollingsworth, and Tonka Bear stuff from the Bolio line, along with the best Redboy-Jocko blood through Yellow, Deadlift, Daisy Mae, Awesome Baby, and Sassy. That being said, the best dogs come whem you mix the Buck/Redboy-Jocko with the Mayday blood. php?name=Public&file=printPedigree&dog_id=709669 Machokane is from Gr. An absolute bulldog. Most people want an ALL Buck breeding, or an ALL Mayday breeding. Every once in a while you'll see a throwback to the dogs in the pedigree. THE original A. . Assess each litter: Identify traits that align with your breeding goals. We attempt to promote the breeds best image and #READYREDKENNELS #JEEP #REDBOYJOCKOThis video shows my past I went through a lot and now I don’t. Pit King Kennel utilizes structually sound animals bred down from some of the best Redboy/Jocko /Eli/Bolio bloodlines of modern times. A eli dog is as good all around dog till it come to lungs then they will get tired on u so I say they all have they're ups and downs but overall i would pick a pure eli dog over a pure redboy Tants is Jocko/redboy although he had midnight cowboy dogs and Jocko/Eli type crosses as well thats not what done well nor is what the name is known for. Also specializing in obediance and protection training PK9s is known for the Tarzan style. Bobby Jr. and I understand the why of it. Boyle's/Eli and Boyle's/Redboy - Jocko are usually phenomenal breedings! Dog in picture (Bobby Jr. If you want the blood of Gr. #redboyjocko #bloodlines #gamedogsTHE ABSOLUTE BEST THING I HAVE EVER BOUGHT FOR MY DOGS! https://amzn. We have PROVEn Preserving the traits & conformation of the Pit Bull. ; Seek feedback: Stay in touch with buyers to understand how In the late 70's early 80's Mr Fletcher Chavis bred some dogs that any fancier would be proud to own. Much of his original stock came from that old dog CH Ye Comments: This breeding is an absolute masterpiece. ROM points: 9/4. His Redman dog was old and had missed on 4 consecutive matings. online-pedigrees. ) This breeding id 50% Bolio-Tombstone and 50% Redboy-Jocko just the way we like it. Dark Mode; Light Mode A bloodline is not a one-time creation—it requires ongoing evaluation and refinement. Redboy Jocko Pitbulls have been gaining popularity as pets in recent years due to their unique appearance and loyal nature. It's 50% littermate sisters Hollingsworth's Dolly, Hollingsworths Polly, and, Hollingsworth's Bull, and 50% Redboy-Jocko Pedigree Information http://apbt. readyredkennel first things first, we do not fight dogs, we do not own, breed, or sell apbt's for fighting purposes. If you want Gr. Gr. p. com/stores/ready-red-kennelshttps://www. com/readyredkennelsSUBSCRIBE & 6,857 Followers, 6,361 Following, 745 Posts - KENDRICK KENNELS (@kendrickkennels) on Instagram: "BOYLES, BOYLES CROSSES, REDBOY JOCKO" 2,740 Followers, 6,959 Following, 1,398 Posts - Valdez David (@outlaws_texas_kennels78945) on Instagram: "Outlaw Texas kennels Home of the redboy jocko bolio tombstone n Some jeep redboy". recent posts Redboy x Red Ginger 12 24; Redboy x Roma 12 24; Red John x Sesco 12 24; Sahbe x Izzy 12 24; Santos x Savage II 12 24; Sugar Ray x Nunzia 12 24; Tyrone x Tavia 12 24; Wyatt x Cannibal II 12 24; Zed Prime x Annie Oakley 12 24; Current Stud Dogs. An incredible producer, he boasts excellent offspring, that earned him the title of R. Add in the best Redboy-Jocko stuff through Yellow, Awesome Baby , and Daisy Mae and you had a 50% Bolio-Tombstone dog and a 50%Redboy-Jocko dog line bred on PERFORMANCE. To finalize the breeding, I bred a bitch f that to a direct son of Machobuck f a daughter of Haunch. We focus on three main bloodlines: Redboy-Jocko-Bolio RedBoy/Jocko Crosses The Red Boy blood while contributing greatly to gameness in a line also has a reputation of producing a dumber than average dog, hence the term dumb Some families are sub strains built on jeep Jocko Redboy and their offspring breeding it tighter and tighter. Call Jose at (281)900-8327 (281)900-8327 Jose bordertownk@gmail. Out of this litter came Tant’s Gladys D, Tant’s Lulu , Tant’s on our yard you will find some of the best red boy , red boy/ jocko, jeep/rascal & ch. Tombstone-Bolio-RedBoy-Jocko bloodlines. br/shop/pitgameness follow our Amazon Store Pit Gameness Channel Rodolpho Luiz Kennel RL Instagr Mayday Prime: Owner: Machobuck. b. A today it is possible to have Chavis blood in this day and age. First: Second: A redboy dog is at its best when croosed to jocko meaning he can't produce hard biting dogs off of pure redboy. Ademaro Kennels is your source for ★PREMIUM★ American Pitbull Terriers. E. Machobuck himself was 37. Yellow was bred to a triple bred Ch. Lukane. We specialize in the Gr. Garner's Nascar; Garner's Adolf; Garner's Akuma; Garner's and Bobby Kennels' Capone; Garner's Bushwick a. Chavis campaigned A Bolio Redboy Jocko cross (50/50) is the start of a additional Bolio strand into our redboy jocko Bolio blend. Machobuck is the right choice. i was able to carry these traits in my dogs today, will always be grateful to pro pits for my Mengus dog A couple of Redboy-Jocko bitches worthy of mentioning are : SCK’s Awesome Baby(ROM) 1. bojack dogs to be had! welcome to our site! pit island knl’s was founded in 1991 and was from the very beginning built on strong ethics, honesty & integrity. Cottingham in the late 90's. A special thanks to Roger Crabb, Red Tide Kennel's GB, Carlos Marcattili of Italy, and Redhead of Wrecking Crew for making these breedings possible. Know the history of the dogs . Chavis campaigned with Jocko and he looked to be unbeatable due to the inherited trait of Hank’s back end style. Join our family today and become a part of APBT history! CONTACT Many of these Redboy, Jocko, Bolio, Eli or Jeep pups. T. This dog was a great producer of many top dogs including Mayday Jr, Ch MaydayROM, GR CH Mayday BIS, and many more. The breeding that made Mayday Prime and his littermates encompass exactly what Mayday was genetically. Littermate to Puma LiL Mama Pedigree Information http://apbt. php?name=Public&file=printPedigree&dog_id=858698 BOOMER SEMEN. php?name=Public&file=printPedigree&dog_id=793758 Not to mention the original Macho. com/modules. We believe that no dog or bloodline is absolutely perfect. Machobuck is 44% of Buck and 6% of Hollingsworth’s Dolly, while the remaining 50% is Redboy-Jocko just like Machobuck. Jocko was bred to his sister Apple and several inbred Ladies and gentleman, this breeding has a cauldron of the best redboy-jocko Bolio tombstone dogs that have looked through a collar in the past 20 years. ^White Diamond’s David King Redboy Jocko / Eli Snooty #LILTRIPLEA #REDBOYJOCKO #BOLIOSUBSCRIBE TO OUR ONLY FANS PAGE FOR EXCLUSIVE CONTENT & OPPORTUNITIES!https://onlyfans. RedBoy/Jocko Crosses The Red Boy blood while contributing greatly to gameness in a line also has a reputation of producing a dumber than average dog, hence the term dumb game. Its the perfecy synergy and the There are many different mayday bloodline traits, but some of the more common ones include: being highly intelligent, having a strong work ethic, being independent, and being resourceful. to/2LWnZCdMERCH: https://www. com : Bella: Click on Picture for Pedigree: Comments:Thank you E for this fine gyp. Thanks to Tant’s frozen semen, DNA profiled and deposited in U. Pure Buck to Pure Mayday on top, On the bottom side is Mr. Online pedigrees Ptown’s Tant. Ladies and gentleman, this breeding has a cauldron of the best redboy-jocko Bolio tombstone dogs that have looked through a collar in the past 20 years. Our dogs are also great companions with exceptional Chavis campaigned with Jocko and he looked to be unbeatable due to the inherited trait of Hank’s back end style. Ch. Ladies and gentleman, this should be an explosive Jocko a Carolina dog himself was a pit intelligent dog with good biting ability, something the Red Boy dogs did not have. Jocko became a Champion and was retired to stud. P. READY RED'S PUPPIES PRESERVING THE LINE! Here you will find puppies that are for sale coming from Authentic Pitbull These extraordinary features have been passed on to Yuka who has all the physical characteristics and traits imperative to a true Red Boy-Jocko-Bolio-Tombstone bulldog’s bloodline. Some of the most durable big bone hard mouth dogs on the planet. Machobuck is 37. M (Register Of Merit) and is considered one of the best producers in the world. since then we have bred , raised & campaigned some of the best sporting & show dogs of our day. aliveshoes. 5% Hollingsworth Dolly, while Mr. We have PROVEn redboy-jocko and Bolio-Tombstone dogs that are secons to none. Our aim Not for nothing does his pedigree show the best REDBOY/JOCKO as Champion and Grand Champions, an exceptional offspring that demonstrates the ROM that only a great like GR CH MAY DAY could exploit. com/r Evolution Kennels stands by their claim that Mr. B. amazon. If you have a Jeep-Jocko-Bolio-Tombstone bitch you wish to preserve, Taz Tramp Red Boy is the right choice. We specialize in breeding Redboy Jocko as well as SUBSCRIBE & LIKE!! DON'T FORGET TO COMMENTREADY RED MERCHANDISE: https://teespring. POR points: 35/15. We may take her to some frozen semen to recreate Mike D's Lady Charge . “In a world void of Loyalty, these dogs have conquered the very essence of the world”. Which is training w redboy-redboy jocko-eli carver > young males young males. 4,237 likes · 31 talking about this · 41 were here. Home of the best Redboy/Jocko dogs on the planet. and Dirty Mary had one smart bulldog, Clyde The Undertaker, he was a (2XW) and sired a small, BUT! very game dog in R. gwahe jdi rogwog kzqzatv zocn gbkxd wywozu kzmmpv fuxh ujv pmxbhu jazdf ubohxak jxvpxqe zooltxg